Friday, November 14, 2008

Finally a post!

Kade's first day of preschool

Jamie and Kade --Like father like son
Super Landon!

Kade's first real hoop! He got it for his birthday
Me and my boys
Sorry it's been so long since I added a post. I am back at school..again...getting my administration degree. It is sucking up all my time. Between being a full time teacher and mom, I don't know what I was thinking by putting more on my plate. I am sure it will pay off in the end, but it is VERY BUSY!
I enjoy looking at all of my other family members blogs so I will try and be better about posting. It's fun to see all of you.
I decided to add some of my favorite pictures from the last couple months. Hope to add more soon...

The boys are ready to play!

Look at this cute smile