Friday, November 14, 2008

Finally a post!

Kade's first day of preschool

Jamie and Kade --Like father like son
Super Landon!

Kade's first real hoop! He got it for his birthday
Me and my boys
Sorry it's been so long since I added a post. I am back at school..again...getting my administration degree. It is sucking up all my time. Between being a full time teacher and mom, I don't know what I was thinking by putting more on my plate. I am sure it will pay off in the end, but it is VERY BUSY!
I enjoy looking at all of my other family members blogs so I will try and be better about posting. It's fun to see all of you.
I decided to add some of my favorite pictures from the last couple months. Hope to add more soon...

The boys are ready to play!

Look at this cute smile


Kim said...

I'm so glad you posted new pictures of the boys..They are so cute! Can't wait to see more...(hint,hint) Love,Kim

Chris and Jen Sloan said...

Yeah! We are so happy that you are back! We were starting to wonder if the kids were away at college and you and Jamie were on a three month cruise :0) We enjoy seeing how everyone has grown and it makes us feel so much closer to you guys! Keep the pics coming and we miss you guys!

XOXO Chris and Jen